Additional Information of JavaScriot(JS) and SoumaScript(SS)
Unsupported syntax
- try
- catch
- throw
- yield
- const
- enum
Reserved keyword of SoumaScript(SS)
- a
- abstract
- addas
- as
- biand
- biandas
- bileshift
- bileshiftas
- binot
- bior
- bioras
- birishift
- birishiftaez
- birishiftas
- birishiftasaez
- bixor
- bixoras
- boolean
- break
- byte
- case
- catch
- char
- class
- colon
- const
- continue
- debugger
- dec
- default
- delete
- div
- divas
- do
- double
- else
- enum
- eq
- exeq
- exne
- export
- extends
- false
- final
- finally
- float
- for
- function
- ge
- goto
- gt
- hate
- if
- implements
- import
- in
- inc
- instanceof
- int
- interface
- ka
- ko
- la
- le
- let
- lo
- loand
- long
- lonot
- loor
- lt
- minus
- modul
- modulas
- mult
- multas
- n
- native
- ne
- new
- null
- o
- package
- plus
- private
- protected
- public
- return
- short
- static
- subas
- super
- switch
- synchronized
- this
- throw
- throws
- transient
- true
- try
- typeof
- var
- void
- volatile
- while
- with
- yield